I heard this really cool program on the radio once, and they were talking about a "cure" for stuttering. Basically they followed this guy who stuttered drastically, and noticed that when he was in church, reciting or reading along with the rest of the congregation, his speech impediment all but disappeared! They used this information to invent an ear-piece that reverberates the speaker's own voice back at him. As if someone is whispering in his ear and "reciting" along with him! I have an uncle who still stutters as an adult, so I thought this was really great just from a scientific standpoint, but recently it has begun to mean something to me even beyond that.
I'm not a stutterer, not literally. But I am a terrible public speaker. I get nervous; I can't find the right word; I have a point that I want to get across but I can't come up with the phrasing to make it clear, so I stammer or even just look into my audience for a sheepish--completely silent--moment. It's embarrassing. The girls in my Sunday School class think it's a little funny, especially when I can't think of their names when I need to call on them. I know the name, but I just can't spit it out. (I use a lot of nicknames in class--babe, hon, girlie...etc.)
I know I'm not alone in this problem. While many people think that Moses might have had an actual stuttering problem, I tend to think that he was probably just a nervous speaker. And of course there is our president. Well, we all know the same thing must happen to him when he gets behind a microphone.
Well, the other day I read this passage in Mark. Jesus is warning the disciples that there will be trials, that they will be arrested, but that they don't need to worry about how to defend themselves, because the Holy Spirit will be speaking through them.
I can't say that this has ever literally happened to me, but I have had a very similar experience on many occasions. I'll be stumbling along my lesson, when suddenly the words are clear to me. My thoughts and words line up perfectly and the words flow out of my mouth seamlessly--making the exact point that I intended! Sometimes at that moment I think of a way to say it that never occurred to me before, but that is perfectly suited to the girls in the class. Has this ever happened to you? I guess my natural way of speaking is so halted that it is obvious when Spirit takes over. It's like he's whispering in my ear, speaking with me, helping my thoughts to clear so that I can serve him more effectively.
This brings me great encouragement.