We are finishing the book today! How exciting, since we are also finishing the last book of the Law, and will finally get to "step" into the promised land! Okay, before I get too far ahead, let's get going.
Chapter 32 The Song of Moses. Did you notice the change in writing style here? Not just the way the words are written on the page, but the poetry and imagery he uses. This is not Moses' normal way of writing. For example, verses 1-2 say that these words are as refreshing and necessary as rain on the earth. Beautiful.
Verse 9. God calls His people His inheritance. When we think of an inheritance, it is something that we look forward to (not in a morbid way). It might be something that we worked for, or it might be a reward. Isn't it interesting to view God's people as His inheritance? No wonder He was jealous of their attention.
Verse 21 caught my eye. "They have made me jealous with what was not God." An idol doesn't have to be a graven image of an invented deity. It is anything that takes our focus off of Him.
Verse 23 startled me a little. I do not want to be in the position where God is compelled to use His arrows on me. I'm not sure I even want to know what that means!
Verse 30. This verse needs to be highlighted or underlined. "How could one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had given them up." This refers to battles that God had already won for them, as well as what was coming in the near future, in Jericho. It also makes me wonder, how many impossible miracles are we taking the credit for?
Verse 47 "It is your life" This means 1)the law should be the focus of your life, and 2)that abiding by it will literally prolong your life.
Chapter 33
Moses' last speech was to bless the individual tribes. Notice verses 13-17: God is still doubly blessing the tribes of Joseph.
Go back and read verses 26-27 again. What a beautiful, encompassing picture of God.
Chapter 34 The death of Moses.
I don't think this was a sad time for Moses. He had completed his work, and he spent his last moments on earth in the presence of God. It would be sad for his followers, and maybe even scary to be without their long-suffering leader. But I'm sure that God knew that and planned it this way. It wasn't Moses who delivered them out of Egypt.
Verse 6. God buried his body in a secret place, probably to avoid his grave becoming an object of worship.
Verse 10. What an epitaph. "Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face." Think back on Moses for a moment. From baby in a basket to the burning bush. From "Let my people go" to the 10 commandments. From leading a nation through the wilderness to taking his last breath in the presence of the almighty. On top of that, he's the one who wrote every word of scripture that we've read together thus far. There is no doubt that Moses was a mighty man of God. That God's hand was upon his life.
And yet Moses was just a man. The great things that were done through his life, had nothing to do with Moses' greatness. It had everything to do with hearing the call, and being obedient to it. It's true that God's hand was on his life, but that's not any different from the presence of God in every believer's life. God got Moses' attention with a burning bush. What has He used in your life? Did you notice that is was God's voice calling from within?
Our lives can have as big an impact for the kingdom as Moses' did, because we serve the same God. We just have to listen and obey.
Next time: Joshua(!) 1-3