Chapter 5
The story takes a turn. The whole time the Jews have been working together on this wall, with a common enemy--Sanballat and Tobias--who have tried to keep their wall from being finished. But this chapter is different. Nehemiah discovers that there is dissension among his own people, between the very rich, and the very poor.
The poor are out of options.
The richest Jews have been taking advantage of the hardship of their brothers to get richer, gain control of more land, even enslaving the children of the poor in exchange for life's most basic necessities.
They saw the needy as an opportunity to get richer, instead of a chance to reach out and help. Nehemiah is not having it. After all he has done to unite them in the building of the wall, keep the enemy out, here his own people are their own enemies!
Taking advantage, taxing, even enslaving their own children.
It's easy to look at these people, God's people, who lived a long time ago, who we don't know personally, and say, "What's wrong with you people?" "Why would you live like that?" But the truth is, this behavior is a little closer to home than we might realize. Just log onto any social media outlet and see how people treat each other. People who claim to know Jesus, tearing each other down, using their virtual soapbox to take advantage, mock, insult, demean. We are supposed to be banding together against the Enemy, fighting for the lost, the helpless, the poor, protecting the weak--but somehow, the ones we are supposed to be protecting, loving with the love of Jesus, have been confused in our minds with the One we are fighting against!
Let's remember. God loves His people. All people. He gave HIS LIFE for them. The lost, sinful, confused, immoral, addicted, unclean, unlovely of this world are not our enemy. Satan is our enemy. Stop attacking the ones God loves and get to fighting the real enemy. Our banner in this world is supposed to be LOVE. But we insist on laying it down in exchange for GAIN, ADVANTAGE, SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS, or NOTORIETY. Put those things down. Put on love.
v7 "I consulted with myself." He had to gather himself, not starting a war because of his anger.
v8 His argument was so sound that they couldn't respond.
"We finally have some leverage over the people who have held us captive. And you step in and take their place."
v10 He offers an example. He has lent money and food to these people without forcing them to risk their fields and vineyards. He has given them loans without interest. Not every situation needs to be an opportunity for financial gain.
Stop keeping score. Stop trying to "win". Give freely so that your brother can take a breath without choking on his debt. (this provides freedom for both the lender and the debtor!) It is impossible to truly live in the abundant grace of Jesus while nickling and diming those you do life with. So buy a friend dinner, take your sister's kids for the night, help your neighbor with some yard work. And when they tell you they owe you one, tell them you're already even. Jesus paid an enormous price for your freedom. Accept that gift from Him, and show someone else what it feels like to be debt-free.
v12 They agree.
v13 Nehemiah throws what looks like a curse in there, for good measure. But I think this is another form of prayer that Nehemiah is using. It's hard to trust someone who repents after acting in a horrible way. These rich Jewish men seem to have turned from their wickedness. They seem to have resolved to do what is right, but they ENSLAVED OUR CHILDREN! Nehemiah's prayer is that God would hold them accountable. And that God would judge them harshly if they go back on their word. He's laying his doubts and fears at God's feet.
v14-18 Nehemiah has flourished in his role as governor without collecting excessive taxes from an already oppressed people. Even in his advantage, he didn't lord it over them, as previous governors had.
v19 Prayer for Remembrance. I don't think Nehemiah is telling God that He owes him one. I get the sense that when Nehemiah prays for something, it's like laying it on the alter. Totally trusting Him with the issue. I think this is a prayer to God, that he would not let his efforts be in vain.
God doesn't owe you anything for your good deeds. But I think Nehemiah is just asking God to show him that he's been working toward something. That maybe in the long run he would have something to show for it. I think Nehemiah is releasing any need for reward into the hands of the Lord. He trusts him to treat him fairly and lovingly, to show him the fruit of his labor, and he's giving all of that to God in this prayer.
These are the examples of prayer that Nehemiah has given us so far:
BESEECHING PRAYER - a prayer to pray when you are in desperate need--weeping and mourning. Sometimes you don't even have words. Your tears are your prayers, and God hears every one. (Nehemiah 1:4)
SCRIPTURAL PRAYER - remembering God's words and promises and speaking them back to God. This is a prayer of thanksgiving, trust, and an act of faith. I like to think God loves it when we remember His words and apply them to our lives, even in conversation with Him. (Nehemiah 1:8-9)
PRAYER OF ACTION - when you are about to do something that you cannot do without God's help. Prayer for success in what you know God is leading you to do. If you like bold statements and beautiful words, this is a good time to pray those things! (Nehemiah 1:11)
SILENT PRAYER - prayer when you are in immediate need. There is no time for lengthy prayers full of descriptive beautiful words. Maybe it's just a single word, "Help!" (Nehemiah 2:4)
PRAYER OF EXULTATION - proclaiming God's work in your life. Making a statement that He is the reason for your success. In this instance, Nehemiah was just remembering that God's hand was on him, and that's why the king granted his request. Not all prayers start with, "Dear God..." You can pray this prayer while writing in your journal, posting on Facebook, or talking with a friend. It's a prayer of testimony. (Nehemiah 2:8)
HIDDEN PRAYER - sometimes God places something on your heart that is too precious or fragile to talk about it. It could be a hope or a dream. A task that seems impossible. And idea that is still forming. A desire of your heart that you can't even speak out loud to Him, let alone to anyone else. But he knows it. He put that desire in you. It's OK to have secrets that are just between you and Him. He's the Lover of your Soul.(Nehemiah 2:11)
PRAYER WITHOUT PREAMBLE - not what we think of as a "good Christian prayer." Sometimes But if you wait until your heart is "right" before you come to the throne, you may never get there. But God can handle your angry words and your raw emotion. Is your heart full of hate, pain, frustration, revenge, and all-out RAGE? You don't have to wait. Tell Him. He knows your pain. He hurts when you hurt. He is the One who heals hearts. Just go to Him. He's your Dad. See what He can do for you. And through you. Nehemiah trusted God with even his ugly emotions, and we can too. (Nehemiah 4:4-5)
PRAYER OF DISCOURAGEMENT - this is the prayer you pray when you are drowning. I pray this way a lot as a mom. Are you feeling out of your depth? Is fear taking over? Is your life and responsibility literally more than you can handle? Just praying this prayer has a way of fortifying you in a new way. Let the words, "I can't do this" remind you to lay your burdens at the feet of Jesus. You will be surprised how much lighter your heart feels when you stop carrying weight you were never meant to carry. Lean in to your weakness, and let the strength of the Lord take over. (Nehemiah 4:9-10)
PRAYER FOR FORTITUDE - when you see your friend sinking into despair. You know God is strong. You know He's going to see her through this hard time. But maybe she just can't see even the smallest glimmer of light at the end of her dark tunnel. She's weary from the fight, and the only prayers she's capable of are in the form of her weary tears. It's time for you to stand in the gap for her. It can be so hard to watch someone sink into spiritual mire. But the Truth about who God is, and who she is to Him, holds so much power over despair. "Do not be afraid. Remember God who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses...Our God will fight for you." Pray this on your own, but also speak these words in person, out loud. Let the truth wash over her. Be like Aaron to her, holding her weary arms up until her battle is over. (Nehemiah 4:14-20)
PRAYER FOR JUSTICE - when someone has wronged you in a terrible way. Betrayed your trust, took advantage of you, hurt you deeply. It's hard to blindly forgive them and trust that they won't do it again if given the chance. But holding onto the what ifs or contingency plans for next time is not truly forgiving them. It's holding on tightly to your heart and saying, I'll never let that happen again, because I'll never make myself vulnerable again. But that's a form of captivity. All people need closeness and vulnerability in their lives. Denying yourself that is like punishing yourself for someone else's crime. If you are afraid to trust someone who hurt you, even though all evidence shows that they have changed, let God take over. Tell God that you want the freedom that comes with trust. Tell Him that even though you are having trouble trusting the person who hurt you, that you trust HIM to make up the difference. And feel free to pray that God would punish them severely if they betray you again. Trust God with your heart, and trust God to hold others accountable. That's the only way to the freedom you want. He is faithful, He loves you, and He will fight for you. (Nehemiah 5:13)
PRAYER FOR REASSURANCE - when you are trudging through life, making good choices, and it feels like no one else can see the hard work you are doing, this is the prayer for you. A prayer that God would see the progress you are making and give you a sign that you're on the right path. A prayer that you would be able to see the fruit of your labor. It's a way of acknowledging that even if no one ever makes a big deal about you, you believe God when He says you're a big deal to Him. This is a prayer of letting go of your desire for pat on the back, because you trust God, you know He wants the best for you, and you know He sees you. It's a prayer that says you entrust Him with the scales of justice, and that you are not keeping score. (Nehemiah 5:14)
Next time: Nehemiah 6-7