v1 Ick. Grandma from Hell.
v2 Joash is saved by his aunt Jehosheba. Hidden from his murderous grandmother. (He was only about a year old at this time.)
v12 The true king is revealed.
v16 The evil queen is destroyed. Moral--if you have to kill babies in order to gain power, things will end badly for you.
v17 The priest Jehoida starts a revival. (Can you imagine what it must have been like to be a priest at this time in history? To know the Truth, but having to watch your people in a tailspin falling from the Truth! Actually, even as I write that I realize that each one of us is in his exact situation.) This was the kind of moment a good priest hopes for his entire life.
v21 Seven years old.
v2 He had never been under the influence of the evil in his family.
v3 Only the high places remained. Some if us live godly lives for the most part, but there are still those bits of culture or "small sin" that have taken up residence in our lives. What are your "high places"? What are your habits, actions, or attitudes that don't glorify God, but that you just never got around to quitting?
What steps can we take to tear those alters down? I'm writing this at the beginning of the year, but resolutions can be made any time.
v4-12 Money is raised to repair the Lord's house.
v18 King Joash bribes the king of Aram to keep peace.
v21 Amasiah replaces Joash as king.
Next time: II Kings 13-14