Solomon's weakness
v2 The power of a woman.
This is why it is so important for our sons to find godly, trustworthy wives.
This is why it is so important to raise godly, trustworthy daughters!
A wayward or headstrong woman can destroy the testimony and integrity of the most successful godly man. Girls need to be taught that this power--this allure--is only to be used to please and serve their husbands and the Lord. NEVER to turn him away. Satan knows all about the power of allure. That's why his target was Eve, not Adam. He still targets wives every day. Don't fall for it!
v3 over 1000 women. gross.
v6 David was also made weak by women, but he kept his vices within the Israelite people. But as the habit of sin passes from father to son, it grows and changes.
v7 Do you think Solomon believed in these false gods? Was he worshipping them earnestly, or was this just the popular thing to do? A new god every season.
v9 Whether these gods were real to him or not, hee put the desires of his wives before his covenant promise to God, "WHO HAD APPEARED TO HIM TWICE."
It is startling and sad to watch Solomon's rise in popularity and then his fall from grace. It seams unreal--impossible. But in our modern culture, how many times have we seen the pressure of fame and fortune become overwhelming to a celebrity? The power is too much. More and more admirers must be appeased. Each stunt must be more extravagant than the last. I bet from inside the palace, the shift was more subtle than it seems here.
v14-39 God raises up adversaries:
Ahijah prophesies the division of the kingdom. In verse 38 he offers God's covenant to Jeroboam. God just wants someone faithful to lead his people and share in His glory. Doesn't that seem like a good thing? It does to me!
v40 Solomon tries to keep Jeroboam from the throne by killing him. He has lost touch with the Lord to the extent that he thinks he can outsmart Him? Out-maneuver Him? Why would anyone seek out fame and fortune, when it is too much to handle for the wisest man in history? If it was ever given to me (fame and fortune) I pray that I would cling to the Lord with all my soul to keep it from making an idiot of me.
v42 Solomon dies after being king 40 years.
v1 Rehoboam decides to claim the throne since Jeroboam is still in Egypt.
v4 The people speak. They want to know what this king has to offer.
v6 Seeks the advice of the elders, who tell him to be a servant king.
v8 Seeks the advice of his buddies, who tell him to put the people in their place.
v13 The king takes the advice of the young men and answers them harshly. Dumb move.
An important lesson here: Be careful whose advice you seek--and even more careful whose advice you TAKE. Rehoboam was arrogant, prideful, stupid, and lazy. Don't be like him.
v18 The people revolt. (Shocker!)
v21 An army is assembled against the people.
v24 God sends Shemaiah to stop them, but this ultimately serves to divide the nation--just as predicted by the prophet.
v26-27 Jeroboam did not believe God.
v28 Someone should have remembered his history lesson. Golden calves? Really!?!
v30-33 Not only has he turned away, but he has led all of these people into sin as well, making a mockery of the Lord's alter and feasts.
Next time: I Kings 13-14