verse 1 Boaz didn't even have to search for this guy. I think this meeting was ordained.
Verse 4 Wisely, Boaz did not let his emotion for the situation come out. He laid the entire redemption deal on the table.
Verse 8 She's his! Doesn't this just make your heart soar!?
Verse 11-12 These are incredible blessings from the court. Do you remember who Perez was? He was Boaz's ancestor, and was also born to a kinsman redeemer. God is very specific and poignant in His messages to those He loves.
Verse 13 God enabled her to conceive. We sometimes forget that He has anything to do with this, don't we?
Verse 16-22 If we ever wonder whether we are of use to God, this is the answer. A poor, widowed foreign woman was pulled intentionally into the direct bloodline of Jesus Christ. What an honor! And what assurance that He can bring us beyond our circumstances to do His will.
Finished the book already?! Next comes I Samuel, but first, I'll meet you back here tomorrow for a wrap-up and overview of Ruth.