I was so inspired by these yarn colors, I just had to bring them home with me. Now I just need to find a good project to use them in. Do I have any knitters out there?
What would you do with these 100% cotton pretties?
I was so inspired by these yarn colors, I just had to bring them home with me. Now I just need to find a good project to use them in. Do I have any knitters out there?
What would you do with these 100% cotton pretties?
Posted at 09:10 AM in Crafts, Fun and Fiber | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Recently I had the opportunity to drop in on a local homeschool co-op and do a hand-spinning demonstration.
They are studying vikings and wanted a little insight on the process of spinning wool into yarn. I haven't written much about this subject here in the blog because I haven't done much spinning, dyeing, weaving, or knitting since my kids were born. But this was a chance to pull some of that out of its storage boxes and get back into it...if only for a couple days.
When I first met the class, I introduced them to the steps of wool processing by reading them this book. The illustrations are hilarious.
I then showed them how to card the wool (comb it out) and spin it on my drop spindle.
My drop spindle is made from a dowel, a rubber grommet, a screw eye, and two cd's.
Then I let them touch and feel several types of animal fibers: wool, alpaca, llama, silk, camel, mohair, and angora. They picked out a color of wool and then we gathered around the spinning wheel.
I let a couple of the kids try out the wheel, but it really is harder than it looks.
I let them each turn the wheel while I spun the wool they'd selected. I folded it over on itself so they could take home a piece of handspun yarn.
My favorite moment was when these two girls picked up my drop spindle and worked together to spin some "fluff".
I had so much fun. It made me miss teaching in a classroom setting. Maybe I'll get back into it when Ethan goes to school next year.
Posted at 07:23 PM in Fun and Fiber | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
I have been really busy lately, and I have tons to share, but until I get around to it, watch this inCREDible video.
Posted at 05:27 PM in Fun and Fiber | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
moxie | |
noun | |
fortitude and determination |
I have a resolution for March, and I'm calling it March Moxie. I was driving home from Hobby Lobby the other day--I had stocked up on some things I needed in the craft area--and I was thinking of projects that needed to be done. I come up with a lot of my ideas when doing mundane things like driving. Anyway, a list began to grow in my head of project that I had left undone, or had hoped to start, or that could be accomplished with the plethora of supplies in my workspace. It was a HUGE list. And I thought, what in the world am I doing buying MORE stuff?!?
So I came up with a plan. I am going to try to make it through the whole month of March without buying anything new. I have so much fabric, so many colors of thread, so many would-be projects and products that are just waiting to be used. I realize that there are certain supplies that I might run out of in the middle of a commission project, and I'll allow those, but I think I might even be able to avoid that.
So what am I going to be doing this month if I'm not shopping? Well, here's my list:
I'm going to try to be extra productive this month, using my stash of supplies as inspiration. I also want to further stock my Etsy Shop, which I'm excited about. I've been a little burnt out on the Ebay front. I'll keep putting a couple custom outfits on there each month, but I'd like to branch into some one-of-a-kind offerings, and some smaller, more accessible items.
This is a lot to achieve in a month, but then, I won't be spending hours wondering Joann's, will I? Oh! I almost forgot the amendment to the rule! I am going to allow myself one thrifting trip each week, just in case I really need something. But I'm going to limit my spending to $15 each trip. I'll keep my blog up to date on my progress throughout the month, just in case anyone out there in cyber space in interested.
Well, here goes nothin'!
(Ethan's laughing. He doesn't think I have it in me.)
Posted at 10:31 PM in Fun and Fiber | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Wow! What a whirl-wind the last week has been. We are finally back in the freezing Midwest, after spending 9 days in the lovely Texas weather. Abby's wedding was so fun. She was a gorgeous, poised bride. I miss her already, and can't wait to spend more time with my new "brother"!
Now, since the gifts have already been given, I can show you what I had been working on for her shower. I have really been wanting to try freezer paper stenciling, and of course I had to try something wayyy too detailed for my first time. But it turned out so cool. I made her this shirt from a picture I stole off of Greg's myspace page:
Here's the original:
If anyone is interested in a tutorial for the stencil thing, let me know. But there are already some great ones out there. My next stenciling project will be of Emma's face. Can't wait to try it!
Emma was darling as a flower girl, and fairly well-behaved, too. (She's only two, she's only two, she's only two....this was my mantra during the ceremony.) Everyone loved the dresses.
My time in Texas was a blast. I had been really home-sick for all my old haunts, so I made time with my mom and grandmother to hit some of them before we headed back. We went here, here, and here. There were some other excellent things that happened in Texas (presents!!), but I'll have to wait until I get pictures of them all. Thanks for the great trip, everyone!
Posted at 04:52 AM in Fun and Fiber | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
XO, Anna
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