Someone asked me the other day, "What is the best moment you've ever had in your relationship?" Wow, huge question, right? My answer was this. This one moment right here. When I look around my breakfast table at the family God has entrusted to us. The best moment ever is one that happens day after day.
There was nothing I did to deserve the family I have today. In fact, most of my life I've worked really hard to NOT deserve it. So when I see this family gathered around His Word, I am struck by Grace. Every good and perfect gift is from Above, and every good and perfect gift is one I could never earn on my own. I lift up my empty hands to Him and say, "Lord this is all your work in my in life. Your grace and mercy, and never-ending goodness. It's more than I can handle, but I'll take all that you're willing to give."
So here it is. The best moment in our relationship. It happened this morning. And it will probably happen again tomorrow. I hope I continue to recognize it.