* * Strength can be an iron fist, a sharp tongue, a powerful presence that commands respect...but that's not necessarily the kind of strong I want to know...be...and raise up.
* * It takes a stronger woman to make peace. To protect the weak, feed the hungry, and clothe the naked. To provide consistency and safe-haven in her home. To look into the face of evil that is wreaking havoc on this earth and say, "No more." She puts the welfare of others before her own, and doesn't back down when the world looks down on her for it. She is full of compassion and empathy. She weeps with the broken-hearted and celebrates with the victorious.
Hello! I'm so glad you found me! I believe in living life with purpose and creativity, and I want to inspire you to do the same with project tutorials, craft ideas, and funny stories of real family life. Follow me as I strive to find the joy in every day!