The countdown is on. School starts in two days, and butterflies have started swarming inside my guts.
I have no idea what's got me so freaked out. I love learning, I love teaching, and I love my kids. What's to worry about? I don't know. Best to not dissect the issue right? Better just to shove all those nervous feelings back down. Get a hold of yourself woman!
Ah. Deep breath.
Since deciding to homeschool, a previously-suppressed part of my personality has emerged. I am now that dorky-curriculum woman. I have been obsessed with researching, trying out, reading reviews, asking around about which curriculum to use. I have discovered that I am not a big-box-curriculum kind of girl. I am picking and choosing, combining lots of different elements to make up our school year. And each time a book comes in the mail, I turn into that person. I call my sister or my mom, call the kids over to check it out, call Donnie at work to tell him how excited I am that the new science text or Bible lessons are here. It's out of control. I'm starting to annoy myself. So now that everything is here. I'm going to share it all with you. So that you can be annoyed excited along with us.
In complete opposition to traditional school requirements, we are not basing this year on a core of language and math. After 4 years in school, I think they could use a little break from the testable subjects. Instead, our core is geography. We are using My Father's World, Exploring Countries and Cultures.
It was recommended by a friend, and when I read the description on their website--that you could teach the whole family at once from the same text--I broke down into tears. This was what we needed. My Father's World (MFW) takes you through a 5-year cycle of history, starting with world geography, and the whole family follows the path of the oldest child. We can all learn together, personalizing assignments according to each child's skill level.
Although MFW does include science, I found a separate one that I could not resist. I've never been a great lover of science, but I can't wait to jump into Apologia Astronomy .
The kids will keep a comprehensive notebook that will hold all of their information in colorful, hands-on lessons. On top of that, my sister and another friend have decided to use this same science this year. So we'll be getting together for group projects every couple weeks or so. We started with astronomy, because it is the first in the series, which follows the six days of creation.
I ordered a separate Bible curriculum, even though My Father's World is pretty heavy into it. With MFW, we'll be learning about missionaries and God's heart for the nations around the world.
But then I found the Bible Study Guide. So for two days a week, we are going to do these fun, interactive, funny worksheets. When I showed Emma one of the lessons, she looked surprised. "You mean we actually get to learn about the Bible in school? Last year I wasn't even supposed to talk about God." Yes, baby. This year is going to be different.
I said we weren't basing our year on math skills, but that doesn't mean we're letting go of math completely. But we are doing math like I have never seen it done before. Life of Fred --learning math in story form.
Many homeschool moms who do Life of Fred will supplement with worksheets and drills, because each chapter is very fun, and only has 5-8 problems to work at the end. But after reading the information on their website, I feel confident that this program will give them the conceptual understanding of math that they need to move forward. If I feel like they need practice work, I can always find printables online, or a workbook at the store. This year Ethan (2nd grade) will be going through the first four or five books, while Emma (4th grade) will work through all thirteen of their elementary-level books in preparation for fractions next year. Actually, Emma has already started, and even though the problems in the first book (Apples) were too basic to challenge her, she thought the story was hilarious, and kept begging to do another lesson. A math book that kids beg to read? Yes.
Reading, grammar, spelling, and composition are my strongest area personally, so it's the area where I'm using the least amount of structured curriculum. I found a great list of spelling words on, as well as some grammar worksheets for Ethan. But for now, unless I find that just-right method of teaching, we'll be using our other subjects as the basis for language skills. Each child will be required to read 30-40 minutes a day, but it will be fun reading. I've noticed that kids who read interesting books have a better grasp on what is interesting when they go to write something. Also, the more kids read, the better spellers they are. Reading is huge.
We'll also be writing one formal book report per month, and writing at least one letter (remember snail mail?) each week. I'll have them rough draft, edit, and final draft the letters.
Are you surprised that I'm most excited about art? At first, it seemed too much to add yet another subject to the list. But while I was thinking about it, I realized that I wanted to teach them the art masters--great famous artists throughout history, from all over the world...when the idea hit me that we should let our geography outline dictate which artists we study each week. Since we are starting with America, for example, we will be studying 3 great American artists: Jasper Johns, Georgia O'Keefe, and Alexander Calder. There is so much information on pinterest, that coming up with a new lesson each week should be no problem at all. We'll be sharing some of our art projects, so you can do them yourself at home.
Well, that about covers it I think. We are also doing PE, Memory, Poetry, and a fun class called "Domestic Engineering", but I'll wait and tell you about those subjects later.
I promise in the near future to branch out from homeschool-based blog posts, but since I've felt so helped by other's curriculum choices, I thought it would be nice to reciprocate. I'll keep you updated about what works for us, and what doesn't.
I have linked to many of the websites that offer our books (some are affiliates), but we were able to find many of them used or in online auctions. Apologia and Life of Fred were at our local Mardel, where you can use a coupon.
Happy 1st week of school, everyone!