Welcome to my look back at 2013, and its goals and resolutions. I find it helpful to look back at accomplishments in order to get a sense of what I'd like my goals to be for the upcoming year.
Here are my resolutions for 2013:
You can read more about them in the original post: Welcome, 2013!
So, what about resolution number 2? In my original post, I talked about my desire to expand my dinner planning options, and maybe have a few more recipes memorized as well. (I don't know why, but pulling out a cookbook seems daunting sometimes. And then I just want to grab for the box of mac and cheese!)
Here are a few food posts from the past year.
This super-simple meal is one of my most-pinned posts of all time. I guess I'm not the only one who is looking for simple healthy meal options.
The most delicious breakfast casserole I've ever tasted.
It doesn't have to be from scratch to be pretty and delicious.
Ok, not a meal...but so fun to make! Great for your Valentine!
And this one isn't from 2013, but it was still part of my kitchen resolution.
Seriously. The Best Chocolate Cake. Ever.
Looking back at these food posts, it might seem like I spent a lot more time making desserts than I did dinner for my family. Let's just say that this resolution is going to take a few more years to really "take".
I also feel like I need to make a meal several times to be sure that my family actually likes it. And that I like it. So, just take my word for it that I made lots of meals for my family, that I improved in the area of home cooking, and that I am looking forward to expanding my skills.
I have found several sources for dellicious-sounding meals, and I'll keep you up to date on my progress!
If you'd like to check out yesterday's post, you can find it here: