Sitting on the back porch in July in Texas is usually a recipe for misery.
I'm a Texan girl to the core, but come July, I'm usually scouring the internet for real estate in the Northwest. I was not made for hot weather. My ancestry must be of the Nordic variety, because anything over 80 degrees, and I'm red-faced and pitiful. But this summer has been like no other that I can remember. We have had rain! Usually, at least in my Dallas area, we can count on a 2-3 month drought between May and August. And by drought I mean no. rain. At all. The year Esther was born, she was more than 3 months old the first time it rained in her life.
That was a pretty great day.
Anyway, this year, the rain brought with it an abundance of mild weather. We have spent time at the park. Outside. I usually can't even stand the transition between air conditioned house and air conditioned car.
And right now I'm on my back porch, working on some project planning.
Outside. It's in the 80s but it might as well be the 60s for how incredible it feels to be outdoors in the middle of summer.
I'm making up a plan for Ethan's room, which I'm calling the Boys' Room, since Elijah and Esther will be trading rooms as soon as Eli can sleep in the bottom bunk. I'm thinking new paint, a special feature on one of the walls, maybe finish the quilts I started before I was even pregnant with Esther (!), some new shelving, and maybe even hang a map I've been holding onto for more than 4 years. Maybe.
Right now all I want to do is sit out here and enjoy the weather.
And my iced coffee.
A medium is only a dollar, y'all.
It's my new favorite thing. I've practically been living on them the last few weeks while Donnie's been in and out (but mostly out) of town on youth pastor type trips.
So, how is your summer going? Is the heat killing you, or do you live in one of those beautiful breezy states that I imagine myself moving to when the weather gets tough around here?
Also, do you have a trick or two for keeping it together when "scary mommy" threatens to rear her head? Mine's caffeine. What's yours?