I have no idea why I've kept this news from you for so long.
It's big.
We are having another baby. Soon.
In just four months!
We already found out what we're having.
It's a boy!
Now, let me take a minute and tell you something about these photos.
I waited three days after the big sonogram to tell the kids they were having a brother.
It had to be perfect. Like pinterest perfect.
I bought the balloons.
I decorated the box.
The box was too small, so I opened the bottom, taped it up, and called the kids outside.
As I set the box on the ground, one of the balloons popped on the dry winter grass.
We got the kids ready, and told them to open the box.
The balloons floated out.
The kids were like, Huh?
We forgot to tell them what the color of the balloons meant! They had no idea what they were looking at! Haha. Donnie laughed at me. I laughed at myself. We stuck the balloons back into the box, replayed everything, and snapped some decent pictures.
Makes me wonder what's really going on behind the scenes in all those perfect pinterest pics, how bout you?