Day Four!
Gen 1:16-19 "God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also. God placed them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness; and God saw that it was good. There was evening and there was morning, a fourth day."
This was my favorite day yet in our neighborhood art class. We started with the moon, because it is the messiest, and it takes the longest to dry.
I gathered shaving cream (the old fashioned kind), elmer's glue, and black poster board. Whatever background paper you use, make sure it's sturdy.
I found the recipe for homemade puff paint on this blog post. (What a great blog!) 1/2 cup glue to 1 1/2 cups shaving cream. I made three batches for my big group, and we used almost all of it.
Really, this is one of the coolest art supplies I've ever used. It's a bit sticky when it's wet, but after it dries, it is tall and puffy and soft. I cannot wait to explore other uses for it.
I handed each kid a 1/2 piece of black poster board and had them draw a large circle with a pencil. Then they filled in the circle with the puffy paint, using their hands or a sponge brush. After it was all filled in, they made craters with various objects. By far the best craters were made with the tp rolls. Stamp down, and shift slightly to make a perfect crater.
Place your moon paintings someplace out of the way, because they take about 12-24 hours to fully dry. But they are worth it!!
For the next project, we took inspiration from one of the greats - Kandinsky. On a sheet of sturdy drawing paper, the children made their sun paintings using different colors of oil pastels.
Oil pastels are very easy to find--even Walmart sells a pack for about $5. They are creamy and make very rich colors on the page.
Start at the center with a dot, and then draw different color concentric circles all the way to the edge of the paper, if you can!
Don't you love how they turned out! This is very good practice at fine motor skills. Even the littlest artists (ours were 3 yrs old) had fun with this one, picking which color would come next. None of them stuck to oranges and yellows. I love that!
This picture is so funny to me! They are all so proud of their sunshine paintings!
Find the rest of our Craft Wednesday Creation series here:
Have fun making your own!