I have a vague memory of telling you that I was going to sew up all of my apparel fabric before I got anything else out of storage. Well, I tripped up. One day last week I needed something out of our storage rental, and as I was digging through the mountain of boxes, I came across one that had this inside:
It's been a couple months now since I've had all of my supplies at my finger tips, and while this jumbled mess of fabric scraps might not seem like much to you, it held all the comforts of home for me. I took that box home, and wondered for a couple days what I could do to use some of it up. I didn't have to think for very long.
I found out about "string quilts" a couple months ago. They are basically quilts that are pieced using the smallest random scraps that you have lying around. Perfect.
I wanted the quilt to have a somewhat-cohesive nature, so I anchored each 5-inch square with a 1-inch strip placed on the diagonal. That way, when you put four of them together, they form a diamond. I decided to use only my green scraps for the quilt. I like the scrappy feel, but I love the orderliness of using one color family for a whole project.
I was going to make my own tutorial for paper piecing, the technique that I'm using here, but I found this one that is better than mine would have been. I'm using my cell phone for a modem, so pictures take forever to load!
Here's my first strip, which I glued temporarily to the foundation paper. I used an old college catalog I found for the foundation.
Here's what the back of one square looks like when it has been sewn and trimmed. I'll leave the paper on until the whole top of the quilt is pieced together. Then I'll pick out the paper and iron the seams. I used a small stitch length so it would perforate the paper as I sew.
Here are the first four "blocks" which are made up of sixteen squares. I'm giddy about it at this point. It's really a fun, mindless way to make something really cool. I love projects with a repetitive nature, because you can use your time praying, pondering, or planning your next project. Keep a notebook nearby for ideas!
I'm loving the green, but I might stick in a couple blue diamonds for added interest.