The end of March came and went with almost no notice. A couple of us were under the weather (again!) so we were just glad to survive the week! But, since the challenge is over, and I can buy stuff again, I decided to start with a bang! I ordered myself a print gocco! It'll be here next week, so I'll report as soon as I get it. I'm so excited! I've been wanting one for over a year now and finally bit the bullet.
On the crafting front, I am working on some things, but don't have much to show today. I'm actually getting ready for another craft fair next Saturday (what am I thinking!?) so I'm busy making things for my booth.
But instead of tooting my own horn today (wow, yet another cliche!) I want to put the spotlight on my mom. She started her own etsy shop, LittleBorrowers, a couple months ago, and has been doing very well. She started by selling felted wool pieces and craft books, but she just came up with this incredible chicken sculpture that I am so impressed with:
They are mixed-media 3-dimensional sculptures using paper, beads, felt, wire, wool, and more. They stand up on their little wire legs, and they have the most hilarious expressions!
I am blown away by her creativity. This is her own, completely original design! The paper is reinforced and actually sewn together to form the chicken. Wow. Be sure to check out the rest of her creations here. (And leave her a note if you have a minute. She'd get a kick out of that!) Way to go, Momma!