Piggy Tails
Mommy, please don't comb my hair,
Or use the brush, 'cause I don't care
If my head is a crazy mess.
Who do I have to impress?
I don't need headbands or a pony,
Don't want braids--that's just baloney.
I wish you'd give my scalp a rest,
But if you must, I've one request:
Give me the style that never fails.
Please put my hair in piggy tails!
I hate to post on Wednesday without a poem, so I had to crank this one out real quick. (I think it shows.) But the real reason for posting, is that I did a little crafting experiment today. A few months ago my mom was at a garage sale of some kind, and they were selling art supplies. She picked up some watercolor pencils for me, along with several sets of linoleum printing supplies. Generally I stick to the 3-dimensional arts--quilting, sewing, spinning, weaving, knitting... and leave the flat stuff to the rest of my family. (Several of them are into photography, painting, and printmaking.)
Well, this week I decided to give it a whack, and try etching out a doodle I've been playing with recently. The idea came from this photo, and the fact that Emma's hair is rarely in any style but the pigtail. So this image is really iconic of her. I called my sister Abby, who has taken printmaking classes and done some really incredible work. She gave me some pointers, and this is what I came up with. I am really happy with it. I will definitely try this again, and I'm already thinking of ways to do it differently.
They're like an adorable little army.