I turned 27 yesterday. Sometimes I wonder how I got here. I know I lived all 27 of those years, but it seemed like only yesterday I was turning 19. And then so much has happened since that 19th year. I became independent of my parents; I got engaged and then married to Him. We had our first baby, moved 2000 miles away from home, when neither of us had ever lived outside of Texas. Started a ministry. Had another baby. And these are just the big milestones. There are so many day-to-day opportunities for growth and change. I'm so different than I was then. Sometimes I just need to stop and remember the journey.
Yesterday was a fun day. It didn't start that way, though. I woke up feeling very alone. Donnie was still gone so I spent part of the morning like the left-behind puppy staring at the door, waiting for him to return. He didn't, but I had some company and that made it easier. (She brought the cake.) Emma sang the birthday song to me over and over again. And I got some presents. Very generous family and friends I have. I practically have an entire new craft library. And I got a notice in the mail that some are coming that weren't in stock yet! Yikes!
Finally Donnie got home, with just 30 minutes left of my special day. And more presents. A new digital camcorder. (!) And yet another craft book (Japanese). So the day was salvaged. More than salvaged. It was incredible. Thanks for all the gifts and phone calls and well-wishes, loved ones. I feel overwhelmed from the generosity. You helped make a potentially lonely birthday girl feel like a princess. And Mom, thanks for pushing.