Last night I avoided caffeine. I went to bed in my OWN bed, and even got my 10-week-old infant to sleep in HIS own bed. (!) But I did not sleep. And I have this post from Soule Mama to thank for it. My mind was racing. It's been a long time since I've thrifted, and there are probably so many things I've missed. Plus, I kept coming up with new amazing ideas for projects using felted wool sweaters. (At least they seemed amazing and cutting-edge at 2 am!) And the last time I went, I came home with almost nothing, so my wool stash is running out and I have to get to goodwill or the thrift store as soon as it opens in the morning or the good stuff will be gone and how am I going to look at labels and keep my babies happy at the same time....*deep breath*
I was right, though. They were there. Most of them were half price, too. And delicious colors:
And a Stripe! And Prints! I have a felty flower project in mind for May Day this year, so these are just what I needed. And thankfully, none of them fit me. (I had to try--post-partum body doesn't fit into much these days...) So they will all be pulled apart and thrown in the washer this afternoon. Yay! I love the manic crafty feeling. There's so much energy that comes from it. I've already cleaned half my house today, just from the adrenaline rush. Good thing, because once those sweaters come out of the dryer, the dishes will have to wait.